Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Best of 2012...And Beyond!

At last, another year has passed (did I just make up a rhyme?). I know it's been a while since I've posted anything (I've been completely neglecting everything due to school and writing) but now since the year is almost up, I thought I’d be nice to look back on the entertainment I’ve experienced in 2012 like books and movies, and also the one’s I’m looking forward to in 2013.

Join me, won’t you?

Favorite book of 2012:

I haven't gotten the chance to read that much this year than I'd anticipated. Given that I've been working my next book, I've only read like four books this year, and only three of them were actually good. I would've done those, but the two of the said three books that were all previously released, so instead I'm only discussing the one that was actually on my list this year. And that book is...

Divergent, by Veronica Roth: When I first heard of Divergent back in 2011, I was a little hesitant; in fact I thought it was some rip-off cashing off The Hunger Games’ success. But know that I’ve finally gotten around to reading it this past summer I can truly say I’m Divergent Nation official.

Veronica’s world is just so much different from Suzanne Collins’ it doesn’t even make sense. And I liked it! The character of Tris and her transformation throughout the book really had me interested. The world she lives in and the people she meets felt so real to me, almost if I jump right into it (hopefully without the interference of trains of course.) The action is heart pounding, the drama is gut-wrenching, and if Fourtris isn’t enough to persuade you, I don’t know what will.
Favorite movies of 2012:
The Hunger Games: After a whole year of waiting, the moment had finally arrived: the release of The Hunger Games!
Now, I know I did a review on the film back in March, but just in case you don’t want spending two pages of me stating the obvious, here’s a little breakdown: the film was amazing, the cast was extraordinary, and Rue’s death (sobs) priceless.

The Dark Knight Rises: Like every other Christopher Nolan flick, The Dark Knight Rises had me holding onto the edge of my seat, while at the same time thinking—which is very rare for movies nowadays. Props to Nolan for not only giving us a movie we needed, but in fact, one we deserved. The cast was superb, the story was full of richness and amazement, and the fact that it brought the whole trilogy full circle makes it one of the greatest series enders ever!

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn-Part 2: (Note: Yes, I'm a Twihard. And yes, I've probably lost half the male readers of this blog. Oh, well ~shrugs shoulders~). Anyway, I won’t lie when I say this movie had me a little nostalgic. Just sitting in that theater reminded me of all great memories I had over the past five years. I laughed, I cried—I mean, laughed—and if that surprise ending didn’t have you cheering and scared, you really must be a vampire.
Books I’m looking forward to in 2013:
Harken, by Kaleb Nation: a boy named Michael Asher is caught in the middle of the middle of a big conspiracy, and is forced to find out the truth while being pursued by a secret organization that controls our world (Illuminati with lizard pets, perhaps?)
Boy Nobody, by Allen Zadoff: In the same vein as the Bourne series, a young assassin with no feelings who tries to escape the organization he was raised in.
Movies I’m forward to in 2013:
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: The set pictures aren’t enough to satisfy my need for this film anymore. I need to see what a Catching Fire film without Gary Ross looks like…NOW!
The Host: Oh, come on! Did you really think my love for Stephenie Meyer’s work ended with Twilight?

Man of Steel: Out of all the movies I’m interested in for next year, Man of Steel has to be on the top of the list. This whole film means so much to me, more than anyone could ever imagine (you’ll find why next year). I can’t wait to see what Zach Synder and Christopher Nolan does with this character. If only I could fly around the globe and fast forward time…
So entertainment-wise, 2013 is gonna rock (that is if the world doesn’t end, or course).

Friday, May 04, 2012

And My Third Book is...

Hey, fellow readers. I know it's been a quite a while since my last post. 2 months, to be exact. But it's all been for good reason, as I've running like a madman to finish editing and revising my third book. And guess what? I finished it 2 weeks ago! And I have to the maunscript to prove it.

Look at the maunscript! Look at it...

Now I know people are thinking: you finished it already! I can't wait to get my hands on it! But you see the problem with that is that the book might not come out this year. It's only been through ONE pass of revisions. The main problems with the story are all worked out, but there's still so much to go. But don't worry, whenever I do have a release date, I'll post it here first.

But in the meantime, I can at least tell you guys what the book's called. I mean how can you get excited for a book without even knowing its title?
And without further ado, the title of my book is called...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Movie Review: The Hunger Games

Ladies and Gentlemen, let the seventy-fourth annual Hunger Games begin!
Well, actually, it's already begun.
Yes. The day has finally arrived. March 23rd. The opening day of The Hunger Games. Well, it's actually three days since then, but you get the idea, right? No? If it's not obvious, I still have Hunger Games fever! My mind has been on this film ever since I saw it. No words could describe this experience, but if you can tell from the title of this blog, I will try my best.

First thing I'd like to say is that this is the closest adaption from book to film I've ever since seen. And that's a huge achievement. Being a fan of such books as Harry Potter and Twilight, there's always some tension going into that movie theatre and waiting for the film's plot to be different from the source material or things being played out of order. With this film, it was not an issue.

As I am a huge fan of the books, yes, I will admit some things changed from the book, in either one way or another. But if you look a little closer, and remove all those minor details aside, you'll notice how it stuck to the spirit of the book and even more than that, enhanced it. And if you think about it, you can kind of thing of the movie as a complement to the book. They both are in someways different, but when you think of them together, they're almost as complete as peanut butter and jelly.

And don't even get me started on the cast. I mean Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss! It couldn't get better than that. And everyone else brought amazing performances to their roles. I honestly couldn't think of better people to portray these characters.

So I guess that pretty much does it, then. So until the release of Catching Fire, may the odds be ever in your favor.

Sunday, January 01, 2012


Hello, everyone! Happy New Year!
Is anyone excited? I know am. A new year, new things to experince and discover. And I on the other hand am ready to experince something new also...but more on that later.
Anyway, here are some of the new things am looking forward to in 2012, and hopefully you will feel the same way:


THE RISE OF NINE by Pitticus Lore:
Okay, I'm gonna be quite honest with you. As much as I've love this series and was eagerly waiting for the release of the second book to come out....I HAVE NOT READ IT!
I know, it's terrible, and fellow Lorien fans, you have every right to criticize me, but believe me, I just never got around to reading it. But now I promise as I see the book in my nearest bookstore, I will instantly grab it and not let it go. And then after I finish reading, August I shall wait.

INSURGENT by Veronica Roth:
I have ANOTHER confession to make. (Oh, I wonder what it is?) Even though I am counting down the days til Insurgent, it really doesn't make sense because...I HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE FIRST BOOK!
And I have the nerve to call myself a reader. I should slap myself.
This is another thing on my to-do-list: Get Power of Six, Read, Get Divergent, Read.
Seriously, How hard could that be?
While when you write a book every single day and are deep in the editing process, while still continuing to write, trust me, having time to read is not that easy as it once was for me.


The Hunger Games:
Uh....almost two more months til the Hunger Games! Just the thought of it is too much to handle. I've waited a whole year, Lionsgate, a WHOLE ENTIRE TWELEVE STINKING MONTHS! Why must you punish me any further? All I want is to see Suzanne Collins' amazing characters and story transported to the big screen like every other tribute. Is that too much to ask? IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!!!!!!!
(Talking to Liongate on my cell phone): It is? Really. Oh, well, I guess it's time to re-read The Hunger Games again. January 1st...January 2nd...January 3rd....

Come on, now, Fanboys can't disagree with me on this one. I mean it's Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk...ALL IN ONE MOVIE! What more do you need?

Okay, so like everyone else, I have my doubts about this movie. I mean, Toby Maguire's amazing performance as Peter Parker will always stay with us, and in my opinon, it was the best interpretation of the character. How on earth is this new guy (a.k.a Andrew Garfield from Social Network fame) gonna top that? Guess we'll find out in July...

I'm already on pin and neddles waiting for this film. Director Christopher Nolan has raises the bar with his amazing films (Sometimes I have 3 different dreams about inception in one night!) and I can't wait to see how ends Bruce Wayne's story. Add that with Tom Hardy's Bane (who did an awesome job in the Imax prologue, despite his mumbling) and Anne Hathaway's Catwoman ( who I'm reallly trusting with my favorite comic book character) and you've already got me at a midnight showing before you can say "Holy Batman! Are you gonna die by the end of this movie?!"

First Harry Potter, now Twilight. As much as I want to burst tears from my eyes, I'm pretty sure that it'll be subdued when I finally see Kristen Stewart (literally) jump at Taylor Lautner's throat in November.

Big News:
And then there's a big surprise....I HAVE A NEW BOOK COMING OUT!
I won't say if it's Sanctum Book 3 or if it's entirely new, but it's coming soon and there will be more info about it in the near furture, so keep your eyes opening.

So that's pretty much covers it! Sooooooo much to look forward to. Hope everyone is as pumped as I am!