Is anyone excited? I know am. A new year, new things to experince and discover. And I on the other hand am ready to experince something new also...but more on that later.
Anyway, here are some of the new things am looking forward to in 2012, and hopefully you will feel the same way:
THE RISE OF NINE by Pitticus Lore:
Okay, I'm gonna be quite honest with you. As much as I've love this series and was eagerly waiting for the release of the second book to come out....I HAVE NOT READ IT!
I know, it's terrible, and fellow Lorien fans, you have every right to criticize me, but believe me, I just never got around to reading it. But now I promise as I see the book in my nearest bookstore, I will instantly grab it and not let it go. And then after I finish reading, August I shall wait.
INSURGENT by Veronica Roth:
I have ANOTHER confession to make. (Oh, I wonder what it is?) Even though I am counting down the days til Insurgent, it really doesn't make sense because...I HAVEN'T EVEN READ THE FIRST BOOK!
And I have the nerve to call myself a reader. I should slap myself.
This is another thing on my to-do-list: Get Power of Six, Read, Get Divergent, Read.
Seriously, How hard could that be?
While when you write a book every single day and are deep in the editing process, while still continuing to write, trust me, having time to read is not that easy as it once was for me.
The Hunger Games:
Uh....almost two more months til the Hunger Games! Just the thought of it is too much to handle. I've waited a whole year, Lionsgate, a WHOLE ENTIRE TWELEVE STINKING MONTHS! Why must you punish me any further? All I want is to see Suzanne Collins' amazing characters and story transported to the big screen like every other tribute. Is that too much to ask? IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!!!!!!!
(Talking to Liongate on my cell phone): It is? Really. Oh, well, I guess it's time to re-read The Hunger Games again. January 1st...January 2nd...January 3rd....
Come on, now, Fanboys can't disagree with me on this one. I mean it's Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, and the Hulk...ALL IN ONE MOVIE! What more do you need?
Okay, so like everyone else, I have my doubts about this movie. I mean, Toby Maguire's amazing performance as Peter Parker will always stay with us, and in my opinon, it was the best interpretation of the character. How on earth is this new guy (a.k.a Andrew Garfield from Social Network fame) gonna top that? Guess we'll find out in July...
I'm already on pin and neddles waiting for this film. Director Christopher Nolan has raises the bar with his amazing films (Sometimes I have 3 different dreams about inception in one night!) and I can't wait to see how ends Bruce Wayne's story. Add that with Tom Hardy's Bane (who did an awesome job in the Imax prologue, despite his mumbling) and Anne Hathaway's Catwoman ( who I'm reallly trusting with my favorite comic book character) and you've already got me at a midnight showing before you can say "Holy Batman! Are you gonna die by the end of this movie?!"
First Harry Potter, now Twilight. As much as I want to burst tears from my eyes, I'm pretty sure that it'll be subdued when I finally see Kristen Stewart (literally) jump at Taylor Lautner's throat in November.
Big News:
And then there's a big surprise....I HAVE A NEW BOOK COMING OUT!
I won't say if it's Sanctum Book 3 or if it's entirely new, but it's coming soon and there will be more info about it in the near furture, so keep your eyes opening.
So that's pretty much covers it! Sooooooo much to look forward to. Hope everyone is as pumped as I am!