Ladies and Gentlemen, let the seventy-fourth annual Hunger Games begin!
Well, actually, it's already begun.
Yes. The day has finally arrived. March 23rd. The opening day of The Hunger Games. Well, it's actually three days since then, but you get the idea, right? No? If it's not obvious, I still have Hunger Games fever! My mind has been on this film ever since I saw it. No words could describe this experience, but if you can tell from the title of this blog, I will try my best.
First thing I'd like to say is that this is the closest adaption from book to film I've ever since seen. And that's a huge achievement. Being a fan of such books as Harry Potter and Twilight, there's always some tension going into that movie theatre and waiting for the film's plot to be different from the source material or things being played out of order. With this film, it was not an issue.
As I am a huge fan of the books, yes, I will admit some things changed from the book, in either one way or another. But if you look a little closer, and remove all those minor details aside, you'll notice how it stuck to the spirit of the book and even more than that, enhanced it. And if you think about it, you can kind of thing of the movie as a complement to the book. They both are in someways different, but when you think of them together, they're almost as complete as peanut butter and jelly.
And don't even get me started on the cast. I mean Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss! It couldn't get better than that. And everyone else brought amazing performances to their roles. I honestly couldn't think of better people to portray these characters.
So I guess that pretty much does it, then. So until the release of Catching Fire, may the odds be ever in your favor.