Friday, May 31, 2013

Invincible ARCs!

So very exciting day today. Why, you ask? Because…


I got them the other day, but they were shipped to my grandmother’s house, so I couldn’t get to them in time. But imagine my thoughts when I ran into her house today and opened a box to find these…
Oh, God, this must be how proud parents feel. Just look at them...*sniffles nose*
But wait…there’s more!

I know it looks grainy, but still…awww

“You are so beautiful…To me!!”

For those of you who don't speak book-talk, ARCs are Advance Reader Copies, which are early, uncorrected proof copies of the book--that means they are FAR from being the finished product. The reason they are printed early in advance is so they can be sent to book reviews and bloggers who "hype" up the book before its release, attracting readers before it even comes out.
So, as much as I hate to admit, these copies aren't mine to have.
As mentioned before, ARCs are for marketing purposes, so unfortunately I won't have my own set of copies until quite later, but at least I have a chance to see them before they go off.
So now that we've gone through the lessons of ARCs, let me just give you a list of my thoughts about seeing my book for the first time: 
  •  It’s a real thing!
  • I can actually hold it in my hands!
  • My name is on it!!!
  • I mean, seriously (even though I’ve wrote two books before this): My. Name. Is. On. A. Book.

I’m sorry to tease, I’m just so excited!!
Can’t be long now…

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